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What Is Global Trends in Cyber Law

What Is Global Trends in Cyber Law

Another topic likely to gain massive prominence in 2022 is the further development of behavioral norms in cyberspace. This is a highly controversial issue that has occupied the attention of global stakeholders for some time. These norms are all the more necessary as the Internet has transformed the entire world into a global village, and in this global paradigm of cyberspace, there is clearly a need for global norms of behavior in cyberspace, for both state and non-state actors. We are now in the golden age of cybercrime. Ransomware attacks have increased significantly over the past year, with 93% more executions in the first half of 2021 than in the same period last year. [9] We have seen that countries have also begun to adopt new legal frameworks to promote privacy and cybersecurity, helping to strengthen the home-based work ecosystem. The report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Promoting Good State Conduct in Cyberspace in the Context of International Security was released in July 2021. The Group stressed the importance of cooperation and support in the area of ICT security and capacity-building, as well as their importance for all elements of its mandate. He also noted that increased cooperation, coupled with more effective support and capacity-building in the area of ICT security, with the participation of other stakeholders such as the private sector, academia, civil society and the technical community, could assist States in applying the framework of good governance of States in the use of ICTs. However, some of the most important and critical cyber law issues will impact the development and evolution of the global cyber law ecosystem. As society becomes more dependent on technology, crimes involving computers, computer systems, and electronic devices are likely to increase, and legislators must do everything in their power to uphold the rule of law in the cyberlaw ecosystem.

We are also likely to see massive attention on cybersecurity protection in the context of the Internet of Things and the Internet of Behavior. IoT is the paradigm by which not only mobile phones and computers, but also smart devices are connected to the internet and these devices are constantly generating data. There hasn`t been much international unanimity on minimum cybersecurity standards. That`s why it`s becoming easier and easier for any stakeholder to break into the cybersecurity of an IoT device. The year 2022 is expected to see a trend where more countries are likely to work on developing legal frameworks to promote cybersecurity in the context of IoT. The fight against a cyberattack becomes a particular problem. A cyberattack can originate in one part of the world and target computer systems and communications equipment in another country in another part of the world. The attribution of cyberattacks is therefore becoming a massive problem, and this concern will continue to occupy national and international policymakers in 2022. [4] Jaskolka, Jason. “Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure threaten our safety and well-being.” The conversation., October 24, 2021. Through these laws, nation-states have increasingly focused on strengthening the hands of nation-states to address the various challenges of Covid-19 and cyberspace issues. Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom also account for a small but remarkable share of ransomware detections globally (16% combined), and Germany and Russia are identified as prime targets for banking malware. The UK suffers the second largest data breach in the world after the US, with Germany and Ireland also in the top 10 globally. The year 2022 should also see a massive boom in the development of jurisprudence related to artificial intelligence. Already in 2021, we saw that the European Union presented the draft law on artificial intelligence, which is currently under discussion. This potential project could serve as a basis for the further development of cyber jurisprudence on artificial intelligence in 2022.

In addition, various countries are also likely to work on the legal basis of artificial intelligence in 2022. As a result, various agencies in different parts of the world have started issuing rules and regulations, as well as instructions that require stakeholders to work from home and take appropriate precautions regarding the cybersecurity of their data and work-from-home devices. In 2022, this trend is expected to consolidate. Some of the pioneers who have drafted and developed specific national cybersecurity laws are China, Vietnam, Singapore, and Australia. In 2022, more countries are likely to develop their own national cybersecurity laws. This is gaining importance due to the huge number of cyberattacks. Blockchain as a technology will evolve at a very fast pace in 2022. More modern nation-states are likely to be pushed in the direction of creating legal frameworks and regulations regarding blockchain and the crypto ecosystem.

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