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Veterans Legal Group Reviews

Veterans Legal Group Reviews

Mr. Casey Walker is a seasoned veteran veteran veterans lawyer. He is very familiar with the procedures and requirements that must be met in order to be eligible for compensation. He is very detail-oriented, but extremely patient in explaining where we are at every step of the process. I had complete confidence in Casey`s honesty, integrity and professionalism. Read the full review Brendan Garcia is my advocate for all my VA claims and issues right now and will always be in the future. I started with a DAV representative, completely useless, and then I had about 7 different appointments with various so-called lawyers who claim to be able to handle VA issues. Incredibly, they were also useless and unfamiliar with the VA procedure, it was obvious. Not to mention the dozens of people I called and never received an answer. Finally, a lawyer before Mr. Garcia was not a veteran, had to fire him, he never communicated, was unprepared and almost lost the appointment for an OR hearing, fired him in the blink of an eye. I was stressed, 2 days before the RO hearing, I searched and searched all over the internet. Eventually, I landed on Mr.

Garcia`s website and read everything on his website. Of course, when I read that he is a Navy veteran and that I am a Vietnam Navy veteran, it made my day and I immediately called the number on his website. He worked miracles, immediately postponing the VA RO meeting so he could see all the recordings. When the day came to see the RO, Mr. Garcia drove about 3 hours to our RO meeting, without any compensation from anyone but himself, he had nothing to do at all. Here`s the best thing I`ve read on his website that will help any veteran; After his sophomore year in law school, Brendan interned with the Veterans Appeals Board in Washington, D.C. It was there that he was introduced to the main issues veterans face when trying to obtain VA benefits. After law school in 2011, Brendan was appointed a Presidential Management Fellow and spent his time as a fellow with Veterans Affairs.

Throughout the award, he worked with the Office of the General Counsel, Claims Services (formerly C&P or Compensation and Pension Services) and the Office of Business Process Integration (including the Veterans Claims Intake Program). Apart from the above, some may consider the following statement biased, yes, it is biased but it is true that he is a Marine, as a Marine, he does not give up, has honesty, integrity and is ready to help us, veterans, in all circumstances. An impeccable ethic and an unparalleled work ethic make him an outstanding lawyer, competent, meticulous and hardworking. I will make a few points about it. VetLaw`s founding member, Brendan Garcia, is a VA-accredited attorney and is also admitted to practice before the U.S. Court of Appeals for veterans` claims. He is a former VA lawyer and now works solely on behalf of veterans who have been wrongly denied benefits by VA. Our goal is always to help veterans get the best possible outcome from their case. Watch our videos to see one of the many cases we`ve been involved in. You can also read one of our many positive reviews from previous customers.

VetLaw is a national law firm dedicated exclusively to working for veterans who have been denied benefits by VA. We provide nationwide legal representation to U.S. veterans, their families, and survivors who wish to appeal a VA decision. Contact us today at (844) 355-8387 or fill out our case evaluation form to receive a free case evaluation. As there may be a deadline to file your appeal, particularly depending on whether your refusal request is from your local regional office or the Veterans Appeal Board, please do not hesitate to contact us today. Being a veteran and choosing the great beauty of government alone can be a dangerous end. Years ago, the rules changed after decades when veterans could not be represented by professional legal counsel. It`s as if the system was stacked against us veterans, who had to be brave enough to win claims against the madness of the Veterans Benefit Administration (VHA). I know this because I was up to my neck to answer my requests.

One day after being rejected once again, I simply said enough to do it alone or work with the Veterans Services Organization (VSO), which seems to have left me feeling that my case was too complex to deal with properly, so I turned to a real lawyer, my lawyer Brendan Garcia. Within a reasonable period of time, we were successful before the Veterans Appeal Board and my local regional Veterans Administration (VARO) office on issues such as complex physical physical demands related to head injuries (TBI) and non-combat injuries (PTSD). Brendan is such a fighter that he won`t give up because others have said it`s not possible. Do yourself a big favor. Call Brendan, talk to him, let him pave the way for a successful outcome of your challenges with VA, I know this because he helped me solve a decades-old battle in which I finally won. I would like to take a moment to tell you something extremely important. To all disabled veterans: After years of silent investigations by myself and even with the help of V.S.O. officers, I realized I wasn`t going anywhere with the VA.

I am a duty veterinarian from Lebanon `82/`83. My situation was no smarter. I had continued to work in pain for 34 years so as not to burden taxpayers. I had politely asked several times for modest pension increases, to no avail. I saw an online ad for Veterans Law Firm. That`s when I called Brendan Garcia. He took my call personally, consulted my papers from his office, and in less than 14 months took care of everything in a no-frills, tidy army. It has given me the benefits I deserved so long ago. I had postponed my application as long as possible. My wounds are great. My life is always challenging, but Brendan helped this warrior overcome these wounds with honor and dignity.

This was not possible until the system was recalled and pressured by my eternal friend Brendan Garcia, military and veteran. (THANKS! Brendan)!! • He is committed to his clients, is willing to work hard, and genuinely cares about the well-being of his clients, not just the case. • He spared no effort to find a solution to my case and guided me every step of the way. • He went above and beyond the call of duty that I thought a lawyer would ever make • A sincerely rare lawyer who truly cares about you and your case! • He will treat you like a member of the family and treat your case as if his own life depended on it. “VLG was a good representation. Simply the best. I have always been treated with fairness and compassion. My final results exceeded expectations. After twenty years of testing, VLG took the lead in 2013 and my case was resolved with payment arrears in three years. Before Casey accepted me as a client, I thought I had the highest percentage of disability I would receive. After I started working with me, he kept me updated on everything he was doing. It wasn`t long before I learned that he had won my case and that I would receive the highest financially eligible amount of disability.

Because of Casey. Read the full review “Veterans Law Group definitely made a big difference for me! 100% happy. Thank you very much! Mr. Casey Walker is very knowledgeable about the VA and its operations, having served as a judge for the LPA. These are the people who make decisions about your claims. VA has very specific evidence that it is looking for, and Mr. Walker knows exactly what it is. Nowhere will you find a more competent VA lawyer. Read the full review I can`t point out how much gratitude and love I have for Mr.

Walker! I had spent 7 years in a downhill battle with the VA and had received service connections for my ailments. For many years, I suffered from my ailments and lack of financial support, which made it difficult to live a normal life. Before I met Casey Walker, I was afraid that.. Read the full review • He is absolutely authentic, authentic and full of passion to represent his clients. • He has a deep heart to help people, and not only that; He has the exceptional and impeccable knowledge, skills, talent and experience to handle any VA case. • He will fight for your rights, he knows he also has a VA disability I would highly recommend Mr. Brendan Garcia to anyone looking for a qualified lawyer in the VA process of bureaucracy, which is impossible to understand with the new VA laws and many VA discrepancies you hear on the news, Completely impossible without an experienced lawyer in the field. I feel lucky, After hiring the perfect lawyer, you will be too! • He was ALWAYS available and answered my calls, texts and emails quickly, even on weekends Click the button below if you want to leave us a comment.

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