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Rotary Club Bye Laws

Rotary Club Bye Laws

Section 1 – President. It is the duty of the President to preside over meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors and to perform other duties normally relevant to the function of the President. Rotary International`s governing documents form the basis of Rotary International`s policies and procedures. (a) Attendance Committee. This committee develops funds to encourage the participation of all club members in all Rotary meetings, including the participation of all club members in district conferences, city meetings, regional conferences, and international conventions. This committee shall encourage, in particular, participation in the regular meetings of that club and participation in the regular meetings of other clubs if it is unable to attend the meetings of that club; keep all members informed of attendance requirements; promoting better incentives for good participation; and seek to identify and eliminate conditions contributing to unsatisfactory participation. (i) Rotary Information Committee. This committee informs prospective members of the privileges and responsibilities of Rotary club membership; Keep members informed about Rotary`s history, mission, and activities at all levels; and oversee the orientation of new members during their first year in the club. Section 2 – The Board of Directors shall ensure that the proposal meets all classification and membership requirements of the Association`s By-Laws. Section 1 – The name of a prospective member proposed by an active member of the Club shall be submitted to the Board in writing through the Secretary of the Club and published in the Club Bulletin or, as otherwise provided by the Council to the General Members for written objections, if any, within ten days of publication.

A changing member or former member of another club may be proposed by the former club to become an active member. Any proposal for accession shall be treated confidentially, unless otherwise provided for in this procedure. The governing body of this club is the Board of Directors, which consists of four directors elected in accordance with Article 3 (1) of these Bylaws, the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Past-President. Section 1 – At a regular general meeting at least one month before the meeting for the election of officers, the President shall seek nominations from the members of the club for the President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the four elected directors. Duly made appointments are voted on at the annual meeting. The candidates for the office of President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer, who obtain a majority of votes, are elected to their respective positions. Nominees for each director who obtain a majority of the votes for that position are deemed to be elected directors. The officers and directors so elected shall take office and the President-elect shall take office on the first day of July immediately following the year in question. (d) Fellowship Activities Committee. This committee fosters knowledge and friendship among members, encourages members` participation in recreational and social activities organized at Rotary, and carries out the work assigned by the chairman of the board of directors to further the overall goal of the club.

Section 1 – Club Service Committee. This committee develops and implements plans to guide and assist club members in carrying out their service duties to the club. The Chair of the Club Service Committee is responsible for regular meetings of the Committee and reports to the Board of Directors for all club service activities. (a) The Chair of the Club Service Committee is responsible for all service activities of the Club and supervises and coordinates the work of all committees appointed at specific stages of the Club`s service. Upon written request to the Board of Directors that demonstrates a valid and sufficient medical or personal reason, leave may be granted, exempting a member from attending Club meetings in person for a certain period of time. (b) Classification Committee. This committee shall, if necessary, review the existing classifications represented in the club; and advises the Council on all classification matters. Section 2 – The officers and directors so elected, as well as the former President, form the Board. Within one week of his election, the President shall appoint a member of the Sergeant-at-Arms Club, whose duties shall be those normally prescribed for the duties and other duties prescribed by the President or the Council.

The Sergeant-at-Arms cannot be an officer or a director. (c) The Club Service Committee, Professional Service Committee, Community Service Committee and International Service Committee shall each consist of a President appointed by the President from among the members of the Board of Directors and at least two (2) other members. Section 2 – Professional Services Committee.

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