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List the Cases to Be Included under Medico Legal Records in Nursing Foundation

List the Cases to Be Included under Medico Legal Records in Nursing Foundation

Fights or physical attacks and assault and battery constituted most MLCs. Several errors were found in the MLRs provided by the doctors. The drafting of MMRs should follow standardized guidelines regarding legal procedures and patients` rights. We recommend that physicians train physicians in the drafting of MMRs in the interest of the proper administration of justice. A total of 418 RMLs were included in this study. Fights or physical attacks and assault accounted for the largest proportion of MLCs, accounting for 83% of MLCs. Blunt injuries were the dominant type of injury in most cases (81.8%). With respect to errors in RPMs, no RPMs were error-free in this study. This descriptive retrospective study was conducted at a teaching hospital in Saudi Arabia`s Eastern Province. A total of 418 MLRs submitted over a period of 6 months and verified for MLC characteristics and defect identification.

In Parmananda Katara v. Union of India, the Supreme Court said: Correspondence Address:Thunajam MeeraDepartment of Forensic Medicine, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur IndiaSource of Support: NoneCheckDOI: 10.4103/0972-4958.191174 Save my name, email address and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 1College of Medicine, King Fahad University Hospital, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia “Every doctor is obliged to provide medical assistance to the victims, regardless of the cause of injury; He finds no excuse to let the law take its course. » Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked with an *. The new PMC design is here! Learn more about navigating our updated article layout. The legacy PMC view will also be available for a limited time. Source of support: None, Conflict of interest: None.

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