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Legally Entitled Deutsch

Legally Entitled Deutsch

If elected president, he has the right to vote on the board of directors. 16 elected representatives of the resident foreign population (voting rights) 8 members of the Council elected by the Council (voting rights) 9 advisory representatives of associations. This means that the number of eligible voters will be slightly higher than in the 2005 Bundestag elections, when it was around 61.9 million. If your place of residence is not in the Free State of Saxony, you do not have the right to vote in municipal elections and therefore cannot be entered on an electoral register. So if you have the right to vote, you should vote in the next European elections – but only once, please. Shareholders entitled to vote in the share register have the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting. He also has the right to vote for public office and candidates in state elections. Reduced prices up to 20% on all festival tickets, you will receive a catalogue or poster and will have the right to vote at general meetings. Unlike ordinary members, extraordinary members do not have the right to vote at the General Assembly. German citizens residing in a Council of Europe member state on election day, provided that they left Germany after 23 May 1949, as well as German citizens residing in another country for at least twenty-five years, also have the right to vote.

According to a first estimate by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), around 64.4 million Germans and other EU citizens will be eligible to vote in the eighth direct elections to the European Parliament on 25 May 2014 in Germany, including 33.1 million women and just under 31.2 million men. WIESBADEN – According to an estimate by the Federal Statistical Office, about 62.2 million Germans will be eligible to vote in elections to Germany`s 17th Bundestag on September 27, 2009. ( 5 ) Any ordinary member who has paid his annual subscription shall have the right to vote at the General Assembly. Every adult German citizen residing in North Rhine-Westphalia for at least 16 days has the right to vote. Following the conversion of BASF shares into registered shares, decided by the Annual General Meeting on 29 April 2010 and completed in August 2010, BASF shareholders registered in the share register have voting rights. A total of 32.2 million eligible voters are women and 30.0 million are men. As announced by the Federal Returning Officer on March 4, 2014, the number of people eligible to vote in Germany in the 2014 European elections is March 25, 2014. May 2014 to 64.4 million, including nearly 61.4 million Germans and about 2.9 million other EU citizens living in Germany. The right to vote of Germans living abroad dates back to the legislation of the German Reich on civil servants: civil servants and employees of public enterprises who lived abroad also had the right to vote if their place of residence was close to the border with the German Reich. § 6 General Assembly (1) Only ordinary members have the right to vote at the General Assembly. Prisoners have the right to vote in elections to the Bundestag, provided that the conditions of Article 12 of the Federal Electoral Act are met and that they are not excluded from the prohibition on voting under Article 13 of that Act. Prisoners have the right to vote in Bundestag elections if they meet the requirements of § 12 of the Federal Election Act (BWG) and are not excluded from voting under § 13 BWG.

German nationals and nationals of EU Member States from their 18th birthday onwards have the right to vote, provided that they have been registered as residents in Germany for at least 3 months before the election and are not otherwise excluded from the right to vote. Shares entered in the voting share register have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. Following the conversion of BASF shares into registered shares decided by the Annual General Meeting of 29 April 2010 in August 2010, the persons registered in the share register have the right to vote as shareholders. Germany will continue to be represented in the European Parliament with 99 MEPs, unless the Lisbon Treaty enters into force before the European elections. Shareholders are required to provide the information required by the German Company Act for registration in the share register. With an annual membership fee of CHF 120.- you become an active member. Corresponding members and honorary members may participate in the meeting of members in an advisory capacity. The right of Germans to vote abroad dates back to a Reich law for members of the civil service, according to which civil servants and workers of public enterprises who had their residence abroad near the Reich border also had the right to vote. Only those who have lived in the Free State for at least three months on election day or who habitually reside there without any other place of residence are entitled to vote in Saxony. This provision was first included in the Federal Elections Acts of 1949 and 1953, and then extended in the Federal Elections Act of 1956 by a right to vote for family members living in the same household.

Saxon state elections are open only to those who have lived in the Free State for at least three months on election day or who retain their principal residence here without having another place of residence elsewhere. 16 elected representatives of the foreign resident population (voting rights), 8 representatives of the Council elected by the Council (voting rights) and 9 advisory representatives of the association. According to a first estimate by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), around 64.4 million Germans and other EU citizens will be eligible to vote in the eighth direct elections to the European Parliament on 25 May 2014, of whom 33.1 million are women and 31.2 million men. Anyone who votes several times in the European elections would therefore be liable to prosecution. There are no registration restrictions and there is no limit to the number of shares that can be registered in a shareholder`s name. In future, Germany will be represented in the European Parliament by 96 MEPs. In accordance with the previous revision of the Constitution and Election By-Laws by the Council, the new Advisory Board is composed of: Details can be found in the statutes. For the payment of personal expenses, lump sums of an appropriate amount may be defined with the agreement of the Ministry of State for Science and Arts. The right to vote does not apply to decisions concerning his employment relationship or his function as Director General.

Translate texts with a single click in any program on your computer Thanks to your membership card, you are entitled to discounts of up to 20% on all tickets, receive a catalogue or poster and have the right to vote at general meetings. As in previous years, the register was not closed before the Annual General Meeting for the 2012 financial year on April 4, 2013. You do not have the right to vote in municipal elections without a place of residence in the Free State of Saxony, so you cannot be registered on an electoral register. Shareholders are obliged to provide the information necessary for registration in the share register in accordance with the German Company Act. If you have the right to vote, take part in the next European elections – but only once, please. According to an estimate by the Federal Statistical Office, around 62.2 million Germans will have the right to vote in Germany on 27th September 2009, of whom 32.2 million are women and 30.0 million men. The same conditions apply to the right to stand as a candidate. Also: Extraordinary members only support the goals of the ideational association and do not have to pay a minimum membership fee, but donations are also welcome from them. The Director General is eligible for the position of President of the Association. The right to vote does not apply to decisions concerning his employer-employee relationship or his function as executive director.

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