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Legal Holidays Kyrgyzstan

Legal Holidays Kyrgyzstan

Specific and current holidays, holidays, and holidays in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan for 2022 can be integrated into your application. Public holidays in Kyrgyzstan include many international holidays, such as New Year`s and Women`s Day, some of the Soviet Union, such as Victory Day and Defenders of the Fatherland Day, and some since independence, such as various days of commemoration of revolutions. Some shops are closed for the big holidays, but there are enough of them that visitors will not find any major inconvenience. However, border posts and government offices may be closed, so check ahead to avoid major problems. One of Kyrgyzstan`s biggest festivals, the year begins with an entire week of celebrations. The cities are lavishly decorated and most will display a New Year`s tree (similar to a Christmas tree) in the center in the weeks leading up to the New Year. Kyrgyz “Santa Claus” is called “Аяз Ата” (Father Frost) and sometimes called “Дед Мороз” (Grandfather Frost) in the Russian style. His image, which often looks Asian, joins other images related to freezing in the streets. Actors dressed in “Аяз Ата” or “Дед Мороз” roam the streets to take photos (usually paid) with passers-by. On the same day, there is a lot of cheerfulness, both during public and private celebrations. Large family meals are consumed. At midnight, people gather around the television to listen to the president`s New Year`s address, a tradition inherited from the Soviet era, and to watch the fireworks of the often crowded Ala-Too Square to watch in person. After midnight, fireworks and even guns are fired into the sky, especially in rural areas.

5. In May 1993, eighteen months after independence, Kyrgyzstan adopted its new constitution and officially confirmed its status as a democratic state. Although this constitution was amended in 2003, 2006 and 2007 and even replaced by a new one in 2010, May 5 remains the official date of the celebrations of Kyrgyzstan`s founding document. Kyrgyz holidays include much inherited from the USSR (although most of them have changed shape, at least slightly). Kyrgyz holidays also include many borrowings from Russian culture. However, many holidays have now been added to Callendar to celebrate patriotism towards independent Kyrgyzstan and Kyrgyzstan`s long-standing Muslim heritage. Thus, Soviet and federal holidays as well as Orthodox, Muslim and pagan can be celebrated in a Kyrgyz year. Read below the history and traditions of these Kyrgyz holidays, as well as their dates and days off. Orozo Ait and Kurman Ait are Muslim holidays celebrated every year. The lunar calendar determines the dates of this holiday. Orozo Ait marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. During Ramadan, some shops and restaurants only open during dinner, but many establishments remain open regularly.

In Kyrgyz: Аялдардын эл аралык майрамы8 March 2022 holiday, day off Kyrgyzstan is a small landlocked country located along the ancient Silk Road and in Central Asia. Many tribes, clans and empires have contributed to the culture of Kyrgyzstan over the past 2,000 years. The Kyrgyz Republic was founded as a country on August 31, 1991 and also bears the name Kurgisia. About one million Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas in Kyrgyzstan on January 7. The Bishop of Bishkek and Kyrgyzstan congratulates the faithful of the Cathedral of the Resurrection in Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan celebrates Christmas like other Orthodox Christian countries. After attending church services, people continue to celebrate Christmas at home with family and friends. The festive table is particularly abundant. On the table is kutia, a ceremonial cereal bowl made of wheat, nuts, honey, dried fruits and poppy seeds. Previously, from independence until 2017, the country celebrated the Great October Socialist Revolution. It has now been replaced by День примирения и согласия (“Day of Reconciliation and Agreement”), which was celebrated on 7 November (at least officially) before the amendments to the Labour Code (adopted in December 2004, new holiday, which was celebrated on 4 November 2004).

November is People`s Unity Day (“День народного единства)” Over the past two decades, Kyrgyzstan has experienced not one, but two national revolutions – only 5 years apart. The first, which took place after the disputed 2005 parliamentary elections, placed one of the opposition leaders, Kurmanbek Bakiyev, as president. In 2010, however, after long-standing frustration with perceived corruption in his government and a recent spike in utility tariffs, another uprising erupted, forcing Bakiyev to flee the country. In 2011, his successor Almazbek Atambayev approved a new public holiday on April 7, commemorating the Day of the April People`s Revolution. The celebration of Eid al-Adha begins with clean clothes and attending a morning prayer together, followed by a meat dinner (the meat is said to come from an animal sacrifice), a donation of charitable food and sometimes a tribute to deceased relatives. Equestrian games are held in the hippodrome and the parks of Bishkek host performances by artists of different genres. Kyrgyzstan`s Independence Day celebrations end with a gala concert and a magnificent fireworks display. Nowruz (Nauryz, Navruz, Nooruz) is the celebration of the spring equinox, which marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere. On February 5, 1991, Nowruz was declared a national holiday in Kyrgyzstan. Nowruz was not banned in Soviet times, but it was not celebrated either.

Now Kyrgyz celebrate Nowruz with theatrical performances and concerts. Nomadic horse games such as Kok Boru, also known as Ulak Tartysh, are played on the racecourse. The original meaning of this day – the fight against discrimination against women – has long been forgotten. Women`s Day is more of a spring break and a great opportunity to remind women of their beauty and importance in any family. In many cities, people parade with portraits of their loved ones who lost their lives during the war. Victory Day ends with a concert and fireworks. In Kyrgyz: Кыргыз Республикасынын Көз карандысыздыгын күнүAugust 31, 2022public holiday, holidayKyrgyz will officially work half a day on August 30. Labor Day in Soviet Kyrgyzstan was first celebrated on May 1, 1919. In Soviet times, the holiday was accompanied by May marches, sporting events and celebrations. After the collapse of the USSR, for the most part, it became just a free day where you can spend time with your family, friends and have a picnic in the park or in nature. On 8 March, Kyrgyzstan celebrates International Women`s Day. On this day, men try to spoil women with flowers and gifts.

Male colleagues cover their female colleagues with various delicious dishes, sweets, flowers and gifts. This holiday replaced the day of the Great October Revolution, which was celebrated under the USSR. The new holiday, with a revised name designed to place it in a broader historical context, now focuses on honoring those who suffered from the 1916 Central Asian revolt, which was violently suppressed by Tsarist Russia, and those who were oppressed under the USSR in the 1930s. It can also be assumed that this is a general day of recognition of the importance of one`s ancestors, which has always been important in the Kyrgyz tradition. Although we carefully research and update our holiday dates, some of the information in the table above may be preliminary. If you find an error, please let us know. At midnight, the president gives a congratulatory speech, and everyone goes out to admire the colorful lights of the fireworks.

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