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Law & Order – Legal Presentation

Law & Order – Legal Presentation

Unit 4 Power of the words of law and order. Words related to the law 1. A dishonest, violent or immoral act that can be punished by law. Last night there was a woman. Law & Order – This template is perfect for videos on legal topics. For excerpts from the law, as well as a promotional video for a lawyer or lawyer. Nothing has more impact than combining your words with images, and LORR can create digital or print legal presentations and process exhibits for use in litigation and mediation. Our litigation support specialists in San Antonio, TX can help you launch your legal testing or presentation service today! 14 Public shame Stocks are used for mistakes. James Lighthead and Roger Strong were sentenced to 24 hours in jail by the last court for drunkenness and fighting on the lawn. We threw rotten fruit at them and Roger`s lip was badly split.

6 If you are convicted of a crime, you face a severe penalty. The thieves` hands were cut off. Women who committed murders were strangled and then burned. People who hunted illegally in the royal parks had their ears cut off and treason punished by hanging, pulling and cantonment. 4 King Henry II did not believe that trials were a good way to decide whether someone was innocent or guilty. In 1154 he did three things that brought peace to England. 1. He demolished illegal castles and brought back the laws of Henry I. 2. He got rid of the three tests and replaced them with a test. 3. Judges had to travel the country and make sure the law worked.

In 1215, the pope ruled that priests in England could not help with exams. As a result, the examinations were replaced by a jury trial. At first, these were not popular with people, because they felt that their neighbors resented them and could take advantage of the opportunity of a lawsuit to take revenge – as you will see. 2 Medieval law and order Law and order were very strict in medieval England. It was believed that people would only learn to behave properly if they were afraid that something would happen to them if they broke the law. Even the “smallest” crimes often had serious problems. Those convicted had to go through three tests to see if they were guilty: torture by fire. Torture on the waterway. Torture through struggle. 12 Tithes In our village, there are no policemen to ensure law and order.

The law states that all the men of the village must be organized into a group of ten people, called – TENTH. Tithing men should make sure they all behave properly. If one of the tithes breaks the law, the others must say who the culprit is. If they don`t, they will all be punished. 5 If you were convicted of a crime, you would expect a very bad punishment The thieves had their hands cut off. Women who committed murders were strangled and burned. People who hunted illegally had their ears cut off. Prisons cost money, so it was cheaper to execute people. People were hanged from a gallows. It was a large wooden pole where corpses rotted for a few weeks to deter people. Medieval punishment Catherine Barker Period 2 Catherine Barker Period 2. 19 Henry Godswein refused to perform the second blessing of autumn.

Fine of 2 shillings. Held a glowing iron and went through three rooms. Then the wounds were bandaged and left for three days If the wound improved after three days, you. 7 There were very few prisons because they cost money and local communities were not willing to pay for their maintenance. It was cheaper to execute or maim someone for serious crimes and let them go. Most cities had a gallows just opposite. People were hanged from them and their bodies were left to rot over the weeks as a warning to others. Such violent punishments, however, obviously did not deter people.

In 1202, the city of Lincoln experienced 114 murders, 89 violent robberies, and 65 people were wounded in battle. Only 2 people were executed for these crimes and it can be concluded that many in Lincoln escaped their crime. 11 The sound and the cry AND CRYif someone is attacked in the village or sees a stranger whom he thinks is behaving suspiciously, he must stop the – HUE AND CRY This means that all the men in the village must stop what they are doing when they hear the noise and the cry and join the hunt. Anyone who does not participate and cries will be taken to the seigneurial farm and fined. Use by you or a customer in a single end product for which end users are not charged. The total price includes the price of the item and the purchase fee. 9 The Court of Lords The court is usually held 4 times a year. This is the dish that most ordinary people come into contact with. It deals with those who have not made payments to the Lord or who have not done their work properly.

It also deals with disputes between villagers. Serious crimes are tried by the Royal Court of York. The Lord`s administrator is responsible for judgment. We must all participate or we will be punished. Chronology of European and British History – A Silly Guide! 3 The 3 trials of torture by fire.

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