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Itu Bike Rules

Itu Bike Rules

• Block other athletes. • Walk shirtless. • Make progress without owning the bike. The vast majority of triathletes will ride a triathlon bike or a road bike. However, during short distance events, it is quite common for amateurs to train and run on a mountain bike. I trained on my mountain bike for a year and ran. In this article, I described how I trained, ran and what I would improve on my setup. Time penalty: A warning is at the discretion of the Technical Officer. A BLUE card will be used for the elaboration of infringements during the cycling segment, and a YELLOW card will be used for the remaining infringements. It is important to know that your bike will be checked before entering the transition zone. So make sure your tips are in place and your wheels and brakes are working properly. Although I did a lot of triathlons, there were still cycling rules that I didn`t know about, especially those regarding external help. • All participants must have their helmet securely fastened from the moment they remove their bike from the rack at the beginning of the bike until they place their bike on the rack at the end of the bike.

• Participants can only use the bike rack provided for this purpose and park their own bike. • Competitors must not impede the progress of other competitors in the transition zone. • Competitors must not interfere with another competitor`s equipment. • Participants must get on and off their bike to the designated surface or line. • Cycling is not allowed in the transition area. • Nudity or indecent exposure is prohibited. • Run or walk. • Wear the official departure number.

• Do not crawl. • Do not walk shirtless. • Do not walk with a bicycle helmet. • Don`t let team members, team managers, or other pacemakers accompany you along the way. All time penalties are purged in the transition penalty tent. Your number will be sent by radio to the crossing. Upon entering T2, you must stop at the penalty tent and stay there for the duration of your sentence, 1 minute of sprint, 2 standard minutes. Your bike will be taken away and you are not allowed to have food or water. • The traction zone of the bike will have a length of 10 meters, measured from the front edge of the front wheel. An athlete can enter another athlete`s repechage zone, but they must be seen progressing in that zone.

A maximum of 20 seconds can pass through another athlete`s zone. • Motorcycle train area: The draft area behind the motorcycle will be 12 meters long. This also applies to draft legal events. • Vehicle train area: The draft zone behind the vehicle will have a length of 35 meters and will apply to any vehicle in the bicycle segment. • Once passed, an athlete must exit the lead athlete`s repechage zone within 5 seconds. • Athletes must remain on the edge of the track and must not cause a blocking incident. When blocking, an athlete who is late cannot overtake because the lead athlete is misplaced on the track. Triathlon British Columbia sanctions the Peach Classic Triathlon. All TRIBC and ITU rules apply during the event.

Protests against penalties imposed for violations of the rules must be submitted to the TRIBC official within 15 minutes of the end of the race by the protester. Click here for a copy of Triathlon Canada`s full competition rules. • Two wheels of the same diameter. The front wheel must be steerable; The rear wheel is driven by a system consisting of pedals and a chain. • Fairings or devices that reduce air resistance are prohibited. • Covers are allowed on the rear wheel. • The ends of the handlebars must be plugged, the tires well glued, the helmets fixed and the wheels real. • Each wheel must have a brake that works well. • Artificial propulsion devices. • Flotation equipment. • Gloves or socks.

• Combination pants only. • Combinations if prohibited. • Non-certified swimwear. •Snorkels. • The helmet must be approved by an officially recognized testing organization (ANSI or Snell). • Changes to the helmet are prohibited. • The helmet must be securely fastened at all times when the participant is in possession of the bike. • Headphones, earphones and glass containers are prohibited. Depending on the race, the organizers may manage to close the entire road so that no cars are allowed to ride on the bike course. This information will be communicated at the latest during the race briefing. Headphones cannot be used in all three disciplines of a triathlon. You will receive a time penalty, which may even result in disqualification if you don`t withdraw it immediately.

• Athletes can use any shot to move through the water. You can also walk on the water or swim. Athletes are allowed to push themselves off the ground at the beginning and end of each swim. • Athletes must complete the prescribed swimming lesson. • Athletes can stand on the ground or rest while holding an inanimate object such as a buoy or stationary boat. • In an emergency, an athlete should raise an arm above their head and call for help. Once official support is provided, the athlete must withdraw from competition. An athlete may finish the race if a technical official issues a disqualification.

The purpose of a warning is to alert an athlete to a possible rule violation and to encourage a “proactive” attitude on the part of officials. A warning may be given if: • Be responsible for your own safety and the safety of others. • Know, understand and follow ITU competition rules available from their national federation and on the or • Follow traffic rules and race officials` instructions. • Treat other athletes, officials, volunteers and spectators with respect and courtesy. • Avoid using offensive language. • Participate in competitions without receiving support other than event staff and officials. • Do not throw garbage or equipment around the square except in clearly marked areas, such as feeding stations or garbage disposal points. • Do not try to gain an unfair advantage from an external vehicle or object. • Take the prescribed course.

• Failure to comply with ITU competition rules may result in a verbal warning, time penalty, disqualification, suspension or expulsion. • The type of rule violation determines the subsequent penalty. • Reasons for sanction: An athlete may be verbally notified, punished with a time penalty or disqualified if they do not comply with ITU competition rules. • Technical representatives may impose sanctions even if the violation is not recorded, if the technical manager believes that an undue advantage has been obtained, or if a dangerous situation has been deliberately created. A warning: the official whistles, the athlete can be stopped, asked to change behavior and allowed to continue the race immediately afterwards. **It is not necessary for a technical agent to issue a warning before imposing a more severe penalty. For the age group and para-triathletes, the accumulation of time penalties results in disqualification as follows: Looking at the non-repechage races that make up the vast majority of amateur triathlons, triathletes must always stay out of a repechage zone to avoid a time penalty. The only exception is when overtaking. In this case, they can enter this zone, but have some time to overtake the triathletes in front of them. If they exceed this deadline, they will receive a time penalty.

• Athletes must comply with event-specific traffic rules, unless otherwise advised by a technical officer. • Athletes who leave the field for safety reasons must return without obtaining a benefit. If an advantage is obtained through this action, the athlete receives a time penalty, which is served in the transition zone for age groups and in the race penalty zone for all others. • Whistle or honk, show a red card and call the athlete`s number and say “Disqualified” • Alternatively, athletes can be notified of penalties by displaying the athlete`s number on the whiteboard in the post-finish area. • Create an atmosphere of fair play, equality and fair play at all times. • Ensure security and protection. • Punish competitors who gain an unfair advantage. • Technical officers (not volunteers) have the authority to disqualify participants. • Medical personnel have ultimate and final authority to remove a participant from the race if they believe that the participant is physically unable to continue the race without risk of serious injury.

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