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Is Grievance Settling Machinery with Less Legal Procedure Mcq

Is Grievance Settling Machinery with Less Legal Procedure Mcq

The details of the complaint procedure and the number of steps may vary from one organization to another, depending on their size and the number of employees. The procedure can consist of only two or ten steps. The complaint procedure can be open door or stepladder. Step – 4 – If the decision taken by the Board of Appeal is not acceptable to the complainant, the case will be submitted to arbitration. A complaint is a sign of the employee`s dissatisfaction with the job and its nature. The employee has certain wishes and expectations that he believes must be met by the organization in which he works. If the organization does not meet the needs of the employee, the employee develops a feeling of dissatisfaction or dissatisfaction. In the step-by-step complaint process, which is the most important step, an injured employee must undertake___________________. (i) a channel or channel through which any injured employee may file a complaint; d. Distribution of financial decision-making powers with workers` representatives The employee may appeal against the Director-General`s decision, which must be decided within one week. A union official may accompany the employee to the General Manager for discussion, and if no decision is made at that time, the union and management may submit the complaint to voluntary arbitration within one week of receiving management`s decision. In practice, the employee cannot resort to all of the above steps.

There may be explicit or tacit complaints. If an employee feels the complaint and expresses or reports to management in writing or verbally, this is said to be explicit because it has been clearly stated. If it is not clear, but from the situation, we can infer or judge that there is a grievance. This type of complaint is called an implied complaint. It is also proposed that the management representatives be the heads of department plus the complaint officer at the first stage; or the Human Resources Officer should act as a consultant. The size of the Board of Appeal should be limited to a maximum of six members. (v) Management has full authority to manage the business as it sees fit, subject, of course, to its legal and moral obligations and contracts it has entered into with its employees or representative union. However, if the union or the workers do not like the way management works, they can lodge their complaint in accordance with the procedure provided for this purpose. Complaints should be resolved through a proactive approach, rather than waiting for complaints to be brought to management`s attention. A proactive approach to complaint resolution helps management take action to change the factors responsible for the occurrence of complaints, while a reactive approach resolves a specific complaint, but the underlying causes still exist.

For example, an employee who complains very strongly about working conditions in the office can in turn ask for recognition and appreciation from his colleagues. Therefore, disguised abuses, if left unattended or ignored, should also be considered, as they have far-reaching consequences. The supervisor must respond within 48 hours. If the supervisor does not provide an answer or if the answer is not acceptable to the employee, the employee proceeds to the next step. At this stage, the employee (alone or accompanied by his departmental representative) contacts the head of department, who must respond within three days. Depending on the language, complaints may be filed orally or in writing. If it is reported or expressed orally, it is called an oral complaint. An employee files a written complaint, and then it becomes a written complaint. According to their expression, grievances are classified.

This approach to complaint resolution is called the clinical approach to complaint handling. Therefore, maladministration can be seen as a complex psychological phenomenon which, in its analysis and resolution, requires humane rather than procedural or legal measures. 6. It minimizes employee dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction by ensuring timely resolution of the complaint. The speed with which a complaint is dealt with contributes to the success of the complaint procedure. Since justice is delayed, the procedure should aim at resolving complaints expeditiously. This policy does not prevent an employee from contacting management directly with a complaint. This is useful in the case of a small organization, but in a large organization, it would not be possible because senior management may not have the time to deal with each complaint at a personal level. B. Sharing decision-making with lower outcomes for employees There should be clarity on every aspect of the grievance process.

The injured employee must be informed of the person to whom the representation may be made, the form of the presentation (written or oral), the time limit for remedying complaints, etc. Similarly, the restorative authority must know what is expected of him, what measures he can take, within what limits he must act, etc. Group meetings, regular interviews with employees, collective bargaining are other means by which information about employee dissatisfaction can be obtained before it becomes a grievance. It is difficult to establish clear boundaries for the types of complaints. However, due to the nature of complaints, different types of complaints may be possible. If no agreement is reached, the union and management may submit the complaint to a voluntary conciliation procedure within one week of receipt of management`s decision. A complaint is often just a symptom of the underlying problem. If this problem is not overcome, resolving a complaint may be a temporary solution. It is often said that “good management corrects grievances when they arise, good management anticipates them and prevents them from arising.” For a proactive approach to complaint management, it is important to determine the nature of complaints and the underlying factors.

The success or failure of the appeal process can be assessed using the sample questions proposed by Pigors and Myers. Step – 3 – If the complaint is not resolved to the full satisfaction of the complainant, the matter will be referred to the Complaints Committee, which will be represented by management and the union. Committee members discuss the matter and make the decision by consensus. Opinion polls, which are carried out regularly on issues related to workers, provide relevant information on the state of maladministration among them. These surveys can take the form of a morale survey, a hiring survey, a job satisfaction survey and a grievance survey, or a more comprehensive survey with all of the above. The standard complaint procedure provided the following definition of complaint: According to J.M. Jucius is “a complaint any dissatisfaction or dissatisfaction, expressed or not, valid or not, arising from anything related to the company that an employee believes, believes or even feels is unfair, unjust or unfair”. Different organizations treat complaints differently. Small organizations generally do not follow an elaborate procedure.

They follow an open-door policy where they simply ask all employees to speak directly to management about their complaints and grievances and management attempts to deal with the complaint promptly and appropriately. iv. It may arise from something that is related to the organization in some way. The success of the process also depends on training supervisors and union representatives in handling complaints. B. View opening and systems for unwritten procedures Following the model of the suggestion box system, management can use the Gripe Box system to collect information about employee complaints. If necessary, employees may be encouraged to abandon anonymous complaints, as they may develop a sense that their identity may incite victimization for reporting complaints, especially if the complaints involve management or supervisory styles and other personal matters. The recommendations of this committee must be communicated to the manager within seven days of the date of receipt of the complaint. Any unanimous decision of the committee is implemented by management.

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