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Fenwick Elliott Legal 500

Fenwick Elliott Legal 500

“Edward Foyle is an excellent lawyer who always gives clear and pragmatic advice. His ability to quickly understand complex legal issues is unmatched. Edward is an asset in any construction dispute and his attention to detail gives the client the impression that no stone has been left to chance. “They understand both the business and legal perspective.” He occasionally writes a column for Building magazine and has written for many other legal and construction journals. He was also a member of the editorial board of CLT`s The Engineering and Construction Law Journal. Between 1998 and 1999, Simon also served on CIOB`s Training Board of Faculty of Training Adjudicators. “Simon Tolson has extensive technical and legal knowledge and is able to go into detail on complex issues. Simon is also involved in the training and policy of construction lawyers and TeCSA arbitrators. He is also a guest lecturer at King`s College London in the MSc in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution. He has lectured and lectured for most major conference symposia as well as at many other universities, RICS, Arbrix, SCL, ICES and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators as well as legal education networks.

In addition, he has hosted and participated in numerous webinars on building law topics for two publishers. Simon wrote the contract module for King`s College`s Distance Learning Course on Construction Law, Litigation and Regulation. The firm: Fenwick Elliott offers a full range of legal services on all aspects of the construction process. His expertise includes procurement strategies; contract documentation and negotiation; risk management and dispute prevention; project support; and critical dispute resolution, including litigation, arbitration, mediation and arbitration. Nicholas Gould; Karen Gidwani; Jeremy Glover; Toby Randle; Claire King; Thomas Young; James Cameron; Edward Foyle; James Mullen Procurement Strategy, Project, Contract and Documentation Consulting: Fenwick Elliott`s expertise in documenting construction projects includes standard forms and bespoke contracts; design and construction; Engineering, procurement and design/turnkey (EPC); joint venture agreements; Association; allianization and framework agreements; and service/supply contracts. “Richard Smellie has a lot of experience in international arbitration. Brilliant judgment in dealing with courts and case strategies and leads large teams very well. University of Auckland (BA); University of Otago (Law). New Zealand qualified in 2000; United Kingdom, 2005; Partner Fenwick Elliott 2014 to date. Thomas writes articles for Construction Industry Law Letter, the Practical Law Company, and the International Pacific Bar Association Journal. “Richard Smellie is a great lawyer and it`s good to work with.” He is inducted into the Legal 500 of the Hall of Fame for International Arbitration and has been described by his clients as “eloquent” and endowed with “excellent advocacy skills.” The Commission also acknowledged him as “extremely good – he is very persuasive in hearings when it comes to digging deeper into the core issues.” Most of the company`s work in this area involves disputes of up to $2 billion arising from major international construction, infrastructure and energy projects. The geographical distribution of the company`s work is global.

Fenwick Elliott has developed a close relationship with a number of leading international entrepreneurs who advise it on a range of disputes and strategic issues in the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia. The firm also tracks assets and seeks to enforce international arbitral awards worldwide, using bonds or guarantees in many jurisdictions. Simon is experienced in all major industrial contracts such as JCT, NEC, IChemE, ICE, IEE, FIDIC, FCEC and GC/Works as well as in many bespoke forms based on their derivatives. Claire is also co-author of Mediating Construction Disputes: An Evaluation of Existing Practice, which was nominated by CEDR for Best Paper or Publication in 2010 and received an Award of Excellence from CERD. Simon is the past President of the Technology and Construction Solicitors` Association, a position he held for five years and is now Honorary President of the Technology and Construction Solicitors` Association (TeCSA). TeCSA is the leading organisation of lawyers practising construction and information technology law in England and Wales. During this time, he championed the TeCSA electronic disclosure protocol (in collaboration with TECBAR and the Society of Computers and the Law) and its first revision in January 2015. Thomas has extensive experience in dispute resolution in all major construction and energy sectors, including large infrastructure, oil and gas, energy, water treatment, tunnels, pipelines, railways, roads, dams and offshore wind projects. “FE advises on all forms of construction contracts and understands the subtleties and complexities in all cases.” “Jeremy Glover quickly builds a relationship with his clients and earns their respect.

On top of that, it`s really a pleasure to work with him. “David Bebb and Mark Pantry always act quickly and are extremely helpful in a market that requires quick action. “Tony Francis has a keen eye for detail in presenting key issues in a concise and easily understandable manner. This gives confidence to the customer. Fenwick Elliott LLP is a construction and energy law firm that advises on all construction disputes with extensive experience in international arbitration, mediation and arbitration. She represents clients at all levels of the construction supply chain and is heavily involved in high-quality infrastructure projects as well as a range of residential and commercial projects. He has experienced continuous growth in the energy sector, has become increasingly active in waste-to-energy and nuclear power disputes, and advises on power plant matters in the UK and overseas. The team is led by Simon Tolson, a recognized authority in the field of dispute resolution, and Tony Francis, who has extensive experience in the prevention and resolution of disputes on major construction projects. Karen Gidwani is distinguished by her professional experience in offshore wind and energy projects from waste, while Richard Smellie has extensive experience in international arbitration in the energy and construction sectors. The firm: Fenwick Elliott is the UK`s largest construction law firm, serving international clients in the construction, engineering and energy sectors, including oil, gas and energy. The company offers commercially oriented solutions through a pragmatic and professional approach. Nicholas was also the lead author of Mediating Construction Disputes: An Evaluation of Existing Practice (2010), which won an award of excellence from CERD.

Lord Woolf commented in the House of Lords in January 2010: “Mediation is no longer new in Britain. Commendably, a lawyer, Nicholas Gould, has now completed his research for King`s College London with the help of a team of supporters. As expected, the investigation showed that the process resulted in time and cost savings in a significant number of cases. I warmly congratulate Dr. Gould and his team for the empirical data they have gathered. Karen Gidwani; Richard Smellie; James Cameron; Edward Foyle He co-authored Avoid Contractors` Claims with Mark Hackett, then a partner at Davis Langdon & Everest. Senior Partner Fenwick Elliott since 2002, Partner 1989; February 1987; trained at Cozens & Moxon. Prior to his legal training, Simon worked on construction sites for Goslings, John Laing and Lesser Design & Build. Claire specializes in resolving domestic and international construction and engineering disputes that may arise during a project`s lifecycle, including those related to delays, changes, defaults, interim payment notices and final resolution disputes. The office draws on our many years of experience advising clients on construction and energy projects in the region and is now our international hub. “Richard Smellie is a highly experienced construction litigator who can be relied upon for strategic advice. » Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Member of the Gesellschaft für Baurecht; Member of the King`s College Construction Law Association; Member of TeCSA; Co-opted member of the committee of the Arbitration Society.

She has experience in all major forms of dispute resolution, including litigation, arbitration, arbitration and mediation, and regularly advises clients on the best strategies to resolve their disputes in accordance with their business objectives. “James Cameron is dedicated, incredibly hardworking and brilliant – customers love him.” Nicholas` experience in dispute resolution includes litigation, arbitration, arbitration, DAB/DRB/DAAB, mediation, early neutral evaluation and expert adjudication. His FIDIC experience is extensive, including as FIDIC`s Special Advisor on the 2017 edition contracts and in 2021 he was FIDIC Referee of the Year. Nicholas` contracting experience includes NEC, IChemE, JCT, MF/1, LOGIC, EPC/EPCM custom and PFI/PPP contracts. Nicholas is frequently selected to work on complex, high-quality projects, including advising BAA on T5 (£4.2 billion), the Louvre in Abu Dhabi, Expo 2020 in Dubai, CERN`s nuclear research centre and the world`s most leaning building at Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi. Claire is a regular speaker on building law issues. He has published extensively in the field of construction law and dispute resolution and won a silver award at the CIOB Literary Awards in 2000 for his book Dispute Resolution in the Construction Industry by Thomas Telford.

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