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What Is the Definition of the Word Ambiguous

What Is the Definition of the Word Ambiguous

But what is it like to be the embodiment of that as an ethnically ambiguous individual? We can only speculate on the intentions behind these ambiguous words. However, a few of them (perhaps due to my lack of judgment) seem so ambiguous that they need a little explanation. These metrics provide a very clear way to evaluate performance – something that doesn`t exist for many real-world problems, where the most effective movement may be much more ambiguous and the entire concept of “winning” may not apply. The question, as I said, was ambiguous, so I accepted both answers. The Latin prefix ambi- means “both” and has led many people to confuse ambiguously and ambivalently. Ambivalent refers to having mixed feelings, contradictory or more than one about something (the second part of this word comes from the Latin valere, “to be strong, to be worth”). Ambig, on the other hand, means unclear or understandable in many ways (it comes in part from the Latin agere, meaning to drive”). No ambiguity here: Although the two words begin with “ambi”, they have very different meanings Look at the ambiguous adjective if you need to describe something that is open to more than one interpretation, such as the title “Squad helps dog bite victims”. In these ambiguous cases, additional tools are available to mathematicians. Such questions regularly lead to ambiguous and gendered answers.

The words that marked the week of February 22, 2019 It was a demanding touch, and there was something about the unfolded softness of his face that was not ambiguous. In some cases, appropriate evidence may be used to identify things whose description in the will is ambiguous. Ambiguous_ is an adjective. The noun form that refers to this word can be either ambiguous or ambiguous. The adverb is ambiguous. Ambiguous has, like many words in English, more than one possible meaning; A characteristic that some might even describe as ambiguous. This word can mean “doubtful or uncertain, especially by obscurity or indistinction”, “can be understood in two or more possible senses or in different ways” and “inexplicable”. Finally, as some readers have noted, the original puzzle was somewhat ambiguous as to how it was written.

Even the biblical roots of gender are more ambiguous than people think. “The subject in question is subjective and ambiguous,” he wrote. Think of a guy who writes such a veiled, ambiguous, absolutely sloppy sentence and cooks such a mess! The author followed a rule, but compromised clarity; It is not clear whether the vote or approval was immediate. Newspaper headlines can be unintentionally funny if they are ambiguous. In “The Squad Helps Dog Bite Victims,” does the squad help a victim of a dog bite or help a dog bite a victim? The prefix ambi means “in both directions”, while the guous part comes from the Latin verb agere, “to lead or to lead”. Thus, an ambiguous sentence or situation pushes us in two different directions at the same time. The emphasis is on the second, “large” syllable that you can remember, because something ambiguous can lead to major misunderstandings. I am not without resources; But his ambiguous civil silence, fueling my hopes, exacerbated my difficulties. Latin ambiguus “unresolved, hesitating in meaning, of uncertain outcome, with more than one possible meaning, untrustworthy” (from ambigugå, ambigere “to argue, to be indecisive, to question, to doubt” âde amb- “around, on, on both sides” + agere “[lead the cattle], to be in motion, to execute” â + -uus, suffix adjective deverbal) + -ous â more at the entrance of the environment 1, agent.

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