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What Are Some Hygiene Rules in the Kitchen

What Are Some Hygiene Rules in the Kitchen

Pieces of food left on a cutting board will quickly develop bacteria, so it`s important to rub your board immediately after use to stop the spread. Quick, easy and important, cleaning cutting boards is one of the most basic kitchen hygiene rules. The contactless function of Oras Optima contributes to the improvement of kitchen hygiene. Food hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling food, from preparation to consumption. Washing hands after sneezing, touching a body part, using the toilet, handling cleaning products, treating garbage, handling dirty kitchen utensils, handling raw meat, fish or poultry, making dirty dishes. Basically, wash your hands before each task. The Food Standards Agency has guidance on hygiene requirements for food businesses, and their handy list of “4 Cs” is also relevant to us amateur chefs.1 To avoid common food hygiene problems, keep the following in mind: Why not help the whole family remember this list of 10 cooking rules by printing them out and sticking them on the fridge? You can even ask children to illustrate it with colored pens if they are creative. Whether it`s preparing food, cooking, eating, or just hanging out, the kitchen is the focal point of your household. That`s why so much attention is needed when it comes to maintaining good kitchen hygiene. Making sure everyone is on board kitchen hygiene rules will help keep bad bacteria at bay – essential to keeping everyone happy and healthy.

7. Refrigerate food quickly For the same reason, it is important to refrigerate food quickly: it should go from 65° to 10°C in less than two hours. Every professional kitchen should be equipped with appropriate freezers and coolers, such as Electrolux Professional Air-o-Chill chillers. The combination of oven and hot air cooler in the Cook&Chill system ensures a fully integrated, lean and safe process. air-o-system, the innovative Electrolux Cook&Chill, has been specially developed to ensure food safety: food is transferred directly from the oven to the cooler, which increases shelf life and avoids waste. 10. Wash dishes thoroughly Dishwashers are essential for any professional kitchen: bacteria from food waste can be avoided by properly washing dishes, kitchen utensils and utensils. Use the right dish detergents at the right temperatures or, better yet, use dishwashers with disinfection function, such as the Electrolux Professionals green&clean rack type. The kitchen is the heart of every home and what happens in the kitchen can affect the family in good or bad ways, so food safety cannot be ignored. Good food hygiene measures must be taken to ensure that food is safe for consumption. Here are some of the practices I provide at home to avoid food poisoning and accidents in the kitchen.

Believe me, I have my “battle scars”. When it comes to personal hygiene, it is also important to tie long hair in dishes, as hair can also contain germs. Did you know that each of us loses about 50 hairs a day?2 Professionals wear hats and hair nets for a reason! Making sure your fridge is clean is one of the top 10 kitchen hygiene rules for a reason. Left alone, spills and spoiled food spread bacteria to everything else, so clean the fridge and throw away expired food weekly. * Clothing and accessories may pose a cooking hazard. Make sure the clothes are kitchen compliant – no frills or belts – to avoid an accident. Wear clean, neat clothing. Remove jewelry, as some interfere with cooking and can cause serious accidents. Take, for example, a bracelet can get stuck in the handle of the pan and make it spill on the stove. Wear well-fitting, non-slip shoes in the kitchen.

* If you have children, use child-resistant locks for the kitchen cabinets and also for the stove. Also make sure that the kitchen door is always closed. 2 Food and Kitchen Hygiene, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Proper cooking is only the first of the essential food hygiene regulations. Another of the most important food hygiene rules in the kitchen is safe storage. Proper storage helps protect food from harmful chemicals and bacteria and minimizes air-food contact. These simple tips will help you store food safely: Your sink is used regularly throughout the day, so it gets dirty quickly and becomes covered in bacteria if not kept clean. Again, this is one of those kitchen hygiene rules that doesn`t take much time, but it`s worth it. 1 “Food hygiene for your business”, Food Standards Agency; 2018 * Make sure your hands are dry before using electrical appliances in the kitchen, including blenders and microwaves.

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