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Reserva Legal Cargo Y Abono

Reserva Legal Cargo Y Abono

(a) it is entered in account 194 for the initial capital and subsequent increases at the time of its entry in the commercial register; The principle of the purchase price must always be respected, unless its adjustments are authorized by law; In this case, the complete information must be set out in the notes on the accounts. `In any event, an amount equal to 10 per cent of the annual profit shall be transferred to the statutory reserve until it reaches at least 20% of the share capital. » Which assets can be revalued? The answer is given in the legal provision that allows the balance sheets to be updated. As a general rule, however, tangible assets such as buildings, land, installations and, exceptionally, fixed assets of a financial nature are determined. The arrangements that can be made for this type of reserve must be reflected in the statutes. If an investor wishes to buy shares at that time, their price will be set at 1.9 h/share, 1 hour. Valued on the basis of the participation of the share in the capital and 0.9 u.a. with the participation in the reserves. Offering less would hurt the former shareholders because, thanks to their collaboration, the company increased its net assets from $20,000 to $38,000 over two fiscal years. In this context, it is important to recall all that is found in Chapter 7 “Financial assets (I)” on the theoretical value of the share and the raison d`être of the subscription right. According to the previous table, the increase in accumulated depreciation will be 1 200 u.a. The difference between the two updated accounts indicates the revaluation reserves incurred. Registration will be as follows: It is important to note that the “share issue premium” will be an available reserve, i.e.

at some point this reserve can be withdrawn from the company without legal obstacles. In the case of a business combination spread in accordance with accounting rules, the difference between the fair value of the acquirer`s interest in the identifiable assets of the acquired business at each transaction date and its fair value at the acquisition date; It is credited from freely available reserves. In general, this voluntary reserve account is paid into the corresponding accounts representing assets, including those relating to the recognition of the tax effect. The managers undertake to allocate the legal reserve to the minimum set by law and to distribute the rest in the form of dividends. In the event of a change in the accounting criteria or an adjustment for an error, the cumulative adjustment calculated at the beginning of the financial year on the assets affected by the retroactive application of the new criterion or the correction of the error to freely available reserves shall be recorded. The joint-stock company “NUAL, SA” has a share capital of 1,000,000 u.m., paid up at 75 per cent. The legal reserve amounts to 160 000 u.a. At the end of the financial year, “NUAL, SA” had made a profit of 200,000 u.00 u.m.

Legal reserves have the same origin as voluntary reserves, since they are constituted from the profits of the year, but their endowment is motivated by an agreement between the owners of the company, which is reflected in the articles of association of the company. However, if the capital from the voluntary reserves is reduced, the reduced amount of capital is the amortized capital reserve (account 118 of the CGP), which is not available. In this case, the net assets of “DOCE, SA” are 15,000 u.a., represented by 10,000 u.a. share capital and 5,000 u.a. in the form of voluntary reserves. Its materialization in assets is 12 000 u.a. in banks and 3 000 u.u. in shares. In order to correct the negative impact of inflation on these assets, management allows obsolete historical values to be updated through a legal provision (usually through the Finance Act). This process does not constitute a violation of the principle of purchase price, as stated in the first part of the PGC: Use of the negative result on available reserves. They are the ones who are determined by a mandatory provision. Their attribution is attributed to “profit and loss” and their application depends on the specific rule with which they were created.

Reduction of capital for the contribution of the statutory reserve. The transaction costs of equity instruments are allocated to freely available reserves. If “DOCE, SA” decides to pay a dividend of 5,000 u.00 u.a. from the “voluntary reserves”, the statement shall read as follows: where applicable, to the respective accounts constituting the assets affected by that circumstance; including those relating to accounting for the tax implications of the adjustment. Below is a brief description of each booking mentioned in this block. This reservation has been included in section 5.1. “Reserves from retained earnings”, because although their birth is paid into “voluntary reserves”, these previously came from profits. Sometimes, in order to keep the creditor guarantee intact, the capital is reduced by profits or freely available reserves. This type of capital reduction creates an unavailable reserve, the “continuous capital reserve”, which ensures that the company`s unavailable net assets remain unchanged. In this case, creditors cannot refuse to enter into such a transaction, since the guarantees offered by the company are identical to those available to it before the reduction.

Basically, reserves are profits that the company has made and that have not been distributed among their owners. However, this concept is only valid in a broad perspective, since a subdivision of the different classes of reserves can be made according to their origin. The common feature of these reserves is that they arise when the company has made a profit. When this is done, the account expressing profit (129, “Profit and Loss”) will have a balance, and if its transfer is agreed in one of the above reservations, an entry of the following type will be made: Sections 74 et seq. of the TRLSA regulate the treatment of own or own shares of companies. Although this chapter does not enter into the content of these articles, it must be clear that the acquisition of own shares is a lawful operation and, if carried out, there is an effective reduction in the share capital, which the law attempts to mitigate by providing an unavailable reserve for the amount of own shares acquired and which remain on the balance sheet. as long as there is no alienation of the same. It is important with this type of reserves that they are available reserves, that is, At some point they can be sold, for example, the distribution of an interim dividend of these reserves can be agreed. This process of updating the balance sheets allows, on the one hand, to increase the value of the assets and, on the other hand, the revaluation reserves will appear as counterparties in the liabilities, which will give an item that will later be classified with the following structure: in addition to legal problems, if the owners of “DOCE, SA” decide to distribute the profit in the form of dividends, The entry reads as follows: This reserve is not available and must remain on the balance sheet of Company “B” until the shares of the parent company are sold.

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