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Levitate Legal and Consulting

Levitate Legal and Consulting

We rely on the strength of our relationships across multiple industries to build specialized teams that can effectively meet the unique legal needs of each client and beyond. Our membership list includes lawyers, grant writers, government affairs experts, data analysts, project managers, and graphic and website designers. Our work converges at the intersection of creativity and compliance, with the goal of helping our clients turn vision into reality. As deadlines approach, Montgomery executives on Friday hired a local consulting firm for $42,500 a month to guide them through the process of using $85 million in federal funds while helping them seek more than $1 billion in additional cash. The company`s contract with Montgomery includes $22,500 per month for a range of legal and compliance work, including reviewing evolving federal policies, creating an online portal where the community can share ideas, help monitor companies and others involved in the process, and communicate with government agencies. educational groups, non-profit organizations and others about Grant Partnership opportunities. Levitate`s attorney, Susan Kennedy, said her consulting firm had recently been contacted by other communities. “People are realizing they need help,” she said. Our core team developed the concept of Levitate Legal & Consulting after the COVID-19 outbreak after recognizing a great need in both the public and private sectors for strategic advisory services combining law with creative and sustainable problem solving. We have integrated the #1 Legal Practice Management platform, which is used by more than 150,000 lawyers in 100 countries. Relational law firms, get acquainted with your new one-stop shop: we present: Levitate + Clio. It also includes $17,500 per month for the development and implementation of local programs created by the grants, and $2,500 per month for other grant opportunities.

Kennedy estimated that beyond the current injection of $85 million, the region could be eligible for more than $1 billion in grants. “For the first time, the emails we send start real conversations with our customers and partners. A simple vacation email reminded a previous client to get help with a life estate deed and a lawyer friend to ask how I had time to send so many personal emails! 81% of potential clients who buy a lawyer are looking for some kind of recommendation. City and county leaders agreed to continue meeting monthly throughout the process, while forming subgroups or committees that would discuss needs in specific areas and how grant funds would be used. “It will be based on the quality of those grants,” Kennedy said. “It`s really amazing that the county and the city are working together. It also gives you an edge when it comes to funding applications. And then partnerships with nonprofits — that doesn`t happen everywhere in Alabama.

“Levitate has made it easy and efficient to stay in memory and make my clients feel truly appreciated.” Share tips on how the 2020 tax changes and new laws may affect your customers. Do your customers know all your areas of activity? This customizable template helps you get the most out of every customer relationship. Nor does the contract require Levitate to administer the grants Montgomery earns. This service is typically provided on a percentage basis, which Kennedy estimated at about 15% of the grant amount. This $85 million injection is part of the American Recovery Plan Act, but it comes with a complex set of requirements and limitations. Everyone involved in the meeting, including four councillors, five county commissioners and Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed, voted unanimously to hire Levitate Legal & Consulting to manage the process. Levitate Legal & Consulting, LLC is a women/minority owned specialty law firm focused on public policy, compliance, and strategy in both the public and private sectors. Our team draws on its understanding of government, nonprofits and policy to help clients develop creative, long-term solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems. “That money has always been there, and other places have been looking for it. We never thought about doing things like that,” Harris said. “That`s why we still have areas of the city that are in the form they are. We are never looking for that money.

Levitate`s attorney, Terry Reynolds, said Tuskegee recently received a $3 million grant to address local health inequalities, for example. Contact Brad Harper, Montgomery Advertiser reporter, at [email protected]. Onboarding new customers, prospect education series, and webinar planning Levitate`s fees do not include writing grants. The city and county each have dedicated grant staff, and county commissioner Dan Harris said the county is considering creating a special grants department. If the city and county decide to use Levitate to write grants, Reynolds and Kennedy said they will offer the service at an additional cost of $100 to $125 an hour, depending on the grant. “I review these grants every day,” Reynolds said. “There are grants for law enforcement – there are a number that closed yesterday. I am talking about programmatic funding opportunities of $two million or three million per program. So there`s a lot of money out there. While there is no guarantee of receiving these grants, Councillor Clay McInnis pointed out that even 10 per cent of that money would double the region`s current total. Thank new LLC customers for entrusting you with their business and offer to stay in touch if their friends, family, or network have similar needs. The best type of new business? The kind you already have.

Remember customers, nurture your network, and rethink how you market with Levitate. The county will pay them $21,832 per month, and the city will pay them $20,667 per month as long as their service continues. The city and county have until 2026 to spend ARPA money, but the first deadline to submit a usage plan is Aug. 31. Federal guidelines have not yet been finalized.

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