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Legal Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi

Legal Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi

75. The question of the reform of the legal profession is a major one. It does not allow tinkering. I firmly believe that lawyers and doctors should not be able to charge fees, but that they should receive a certain fixed amount from the state and that the public should receive their services free of charge. They will have paid for them through the taxes they would have paid for these services, which are automatically provided to citizens. The poor will not be taxed, but the rich and the poor will have the same attention and competence. Today, the best legal talent and medical advice are beyond the reach of the poor. 15. A doctor in Kenya asks if doctors can lend money or speculate. I have long believed that professional men, whether medical, legal or otherwise, should not try to increase their income through speculation or other activities.

This tends to make them careless in their particular work. There have been cases where doctors and lawyers have ruined their reputations by leaving their profession to make money. If you need a sentence or two to continue in difficult times, or just a wise word or two, these quotes from Gandhi will surely bring you peace of mind! 70. I can well imagine that a brave and faithful weaver or shoemaker would lead our struggle more effectively than a timid and skeptical lawyer. Success depends on bravery, sacrifice, truth, love, and faith; Not on legal acumen, calculation, diplomacy, hatred and disbelief. The best South African lawyers – and they are highly competent lawyers – dare not charge the fees that lawyers in India charge. Fifteen Guineas is almost a high price for legal advice. It is known that several thousand rupees have been charged in India.

There is something sinful about a system in which it is possible for a lawyer to earn fifty thousand to one lakh rupee a month. Legal practice is not and should not be a speculative activity. The best legal talent must be available to the poorest at reasonable prices. 54. An oath can be taken in the name of God and yet it cannot be called religious. An oath taken by a witness in court is a legal oath, not a religious oath, the violation of which would result in legal consequences. An oath taken by Members of Parliament may be described as a constitutional rather than a religious oath, the violation of which may have material consequences. The violation of a religious oath has no legal consequences, but is divinely punished in the opinion of the lessee. This does not mean that one of the three types of oaths is less binding on a conscientious man than the others. A conscientious witness will tell the truth, not for fear of legal consequences, but he will do so in all cases. 17.

It is highly desirable that people avoid litigation. “Quickly agree with your opponent” is the most reasonable legal maxim ever uttered. The author knew what he was saying. But the question arises as to whether we are being dragged to court, as we often do? 71. The abolition of untouchability cannot be achieved by an act. It will only be achieved if Hindu consciousness is stimulated to action and shame is eliminated on its own. 40. Legal maxims are not so much legal, but moral.

I believe in the eternal truth of “sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas” (use your own property so as not to offend your neighbor`s). 20. “When you do something, do it with love or don`t do it at all.” “The only tyrant I accept in this world is the `little voice` within me. And while I face the prospect of being a minority of one person, I humbly believe I have the courage to be in such a desperate minority. 64. People seem to think that if a law is made against an evil, he will die without further effort. There has never been a gross self-delusion. Legislation should be effective against an ignorant or ill-intentioned minority; But no legislation rejected by an intelligent and organised public opinion or, under the guise of religion, by a fanatical minority, can ever succeed. 16. “Do not seek greater wealth, but simpler pleasure; Not a higher happiness, but a deeper bliss. 5.

“It doesn`t take money to live properly, cleanly and with dignity. » 2. “It`s easy to stand in the crowd, but it takes courage to be alone.” When there is war, the poet puts down the lyre, the lawyer his law, the schoolboy his books. 29. “Health is the real wealth, not gold and silver coins.” 1. “The future depends on what we do in the present.” 98. “It is not too late. You don`t know what you`re capable of yet. 80. “If we want to achieve real peace in this world, we should start raising children.” God, who is the embodiment of truth, law and justice, can never have sanctioned a religion or practice that one-fifth of our vast population considers untouchable. Quotes from Gandhi, UBS Publishers, New Delhi, (1995) p.

34 Peace will not come from a struggle of arms, but from the justice experienced and rendered by nations unarmed in the face of all adversities. 30. In independent non-violent India, there will be crimes, but no criminals. You will not be punished. Crime is a disease like any other disease and is a product of the dominant social system. Therefore, any crime, including murder, is treated as a disease. Whether such an India will ever emerge is another question. 1. Literally “servant of God” is the name Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan – the border worker Gandhi, as he was called – gave to his volunteers when he founded non-violence among warriors crossing the border. 45. “A man is only the product of his thoughts.

What he thinks, he will do. “An unjust law is itself a form of violence.

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